Project manager requirements
Project manager requirements

project manager requirements

  • Embed sustainability dimensions including social and gender inclusion, environmental and economic aspects into project life span.
  • Implement the approved plan (including the establishment of milestones) within tolerances set by the Project Board.

  • Develop, complete and update implementation plan(s).
  • Success of the project(s) and hence of the Project Manager will be based on the defined Success Criteria Project Manager is responsible for creating the Implementation Plan, using the Project Initiation Document (PID), Legal Agreement and having a thorough understanding of the terms, conditions, and the respective roles and responsibilities of the partners/stakeholders, to ensure the project(s) outputs are capable of meeting the business cases for both UNOPS and the partner(s).

    project manager requirements

    Project Manager has the authority to assign, as per the Project Plan, work packages to Team Managers and approve deliverables produced by them. He/she is expected to meet the organization’s performance and delivery goals.

    project manager requirements

    The main responsibility of a Project Manager is to ensure that the project outputs are delivered within the specified project tolerances of time, cost, quality, scope, risk and benefits.

    project manager requirements

    Project Manager acts on behalf of the Project Board to manage the project on an ongoing basis during the Implementation Stage. Project Manager is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the project(s) and provides services to the different donors, partners and beneficiaries. With a steady growth of the project portfolio in recent years and a new strategic direction, UNOPS in Pakistan is currently implementing projects in the following thematic areas: WASH Green and Clean Energy Rule of Law Health Procurement and HR services. Supported strategically by a regional operational hub and UNOPS headquarters in Copenhagen and within the overarching framework of the ONE UN Programme, UNOPS Pakistan continues to deliver projects across the country under its core delivery practices of sustainable infrastructure, sustainable procurement, and sustainable project management. UNOPS Pakistan has been implementing projects in the areas of early recovery and reconstruction of community infrastructure, project management, monitoring and evaluation, community development, fund management, human resources management, procurement and infrastructure design and implementation. In 2010, UNOPS opened a permanent office in Islamabad to support the Government of Pakistan and other partners to undertake humanitarian and reconstruction services, following the most devastating flood in the nation’s history. UNOPS commenced operations in Pakistan in 1999 and significantly scaled activities up from 2005 onwards to support populations affected by and vulnerable to earthquakes. UNOPS Pakistan (Project Office) is part of the South Asia Multi Country Office in the Asia Region. *** The position is for an upcoming project and the selected candidate will be hired after the signing of the Project Agreement which is expected to start in July 2023***

    Project manager requirements